Security Lights
Residential – Commercial – Build Outs
Exterior security lights are essential for residential or commercial spaces for added safety and security. These lighting fixtures are uniquely designed to detect movement within their radius and automatically turn on to intimidate potential malicious the name implies, exterior security lights are commonly installed in dark areas of your home or space to provide visibility.for more information on these lighting devices contact us.
Video Surveillance
Nowadays, security systems are affordable for small and medium businesses. The Video Surveillance security system can be based on IP technology or HD technology and can be viewed anywhere in the world through Internet access on a mobile device.
Access Controls
With our access management solutions, you can enjoy these benefits for your company. This includes vehicle access controls, critical information management and the deployment of personnel in emergency situations.
The wireless networks implemented by Master Pro Electric Group allow remote devices to connect without difficulty, whether they are a few meters away or several kilometers. In the same way, the installation of these networks does not require any significant change in the existing infrastructure, as is the case with wired networks.
Similarly, there is no need to work on walls to pass cables, much less install cable ducts or connectors. This has made the use of this technology spread rapidly.